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Your panel. Monthly income. 

Commercial solar projects

Buy income-generating solar panels on the roofs of large-scale commercial, retail and industrial buildings. Landlords contract with Nuqi to purchase 100% of the power generated.


As the owner of the panels, you earn a monthly income.


Your income is affected by two factors: weather and the price of electricity on the national grid. You will earn more in summer than in winter as there is more sunshine. Income is also predicted to increase year-on-year as the cost of electricity on the national grid rises.


Our projections show an average Internal Rate of Return of at least 10% per annum. Because this is a green project, you can also apply for a tax benefit to further boost your return on investment.


Panels are installed by our EPC partners. All energy generated is sold as part of a contractual agreement with the landlord. The cost of maintenance and installation is included in your purchase price. 


Our projections show an average Internal Rate of Return of 10% per year. Because this is a green project, you can also apply for a tax benefit to further boost your return on investment.

Panels are tier one and have a life span of 20 years. You receive a certificate of ownership and an asset number per panel. 

There are no additional costs. Maintenance, administration, and procurement are built into the purchase price.

Work with a Nuqi consultant to start your journey today

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