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Frequently asked questions

Questions? We have answers.

  • How do I invest?
    To invest with Nuqi, please contact us by emailing
  • Can a company or institution invest?
    Both instituations and indivdiuals are welcome to invest. This is a good opportunity to diversify your portfolio.
  • How often do I see a return?
    For solar panels, your income will be paid monthly. You can withdraw the income at any time by contacting your advisor on The average return is an IRR for 10% p.a. over the lifespan of the asset. This is typically 20 years. For livestock farming, income is paid out every five to six months following the sale of your asset. Each cycle is around four months from purchase to sale. You can withdraw your initial investment and income after four months, or reinvest the income for more cycles.
  • What are the fees?
    We charge a 1% annual platform fee based on the purchase price and this is subject to annual CPI increase.
  • Who is Nuqi Investments?
    Nuqi Investments is led by an advisory board of leading business people.
  • How do I know Nuqi is Shariah-compliant?
    Nuqi was founded by business people with an interest in identifying Shariah-compliant investment opportunities in South Africa. Nuqi has received endorsement from leading South African Islamic scholars.
  • Who is installing the solar panels?
    We work closely with reputable solar panel companies with experience across South Africa. All panels are Tier 1 quality and will last on average 20 years.
  • Where are the solar panels?
    Solar panels are typically installed on the roof of commercial, retail and industrial complexes. All sites are halal.
  • Who is farming the cattle?
    We have partnered with an experienced beef cattle farmer in the Free State. Cattle are cared for by the farmer. You own the cattle for the last four months of the growth cycle before it is sold.
  • How long do I have to stay invested?
    Solar panels have an average lifespan of 20 years and the returns will increase as the cost of electricity increases from the national grid. You are not obliged to stay vested for the entire term. Livestock (beef cattle) are farmed in cycles of four months from the time you purchase to the time it is sold. You are welcome to withdraw your investment plus any profit from the first cycle or you can choose to reinvest and buy more livestock assets.

We have answered questions below but feel free to get in touch with a Nuqi consultant today to get the clarity you need.

Work with a Nuqi consultant to start your journey today

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